[ English ]

The origins of the phrase "poker nuts" are unclear although it truly is thought to have come from old jargon which means "delightful point, practice or experience". It is actually a "delightful thing" naturally, because in Texas holdem the poker nuts is the finest achievable palm that it is possible to have at any level in the game.

If you have the nuts, you can’t be beaten…at that level in the hand. This will be the critical factor that lots of inexperienced players fail to take account of, the nuts can move from one gambler to one more as well as your hands which was the nuts previous on can end up being crushed!

The subsequent example ought to demonstrate the unpredictable nature of the cards in Texas hold em poker and how your nuts can quickly turn to pulp!

You might be betting a hand of Texas hold em poker and there are three gamblers nonetheless in the casino game at the flop. You get dealt five of clubs, eight of diamonds; Amy has 5 of spades, 5 of clubs and Mike’s palm is King, 9 of hearts.

The flop is dealt and the cards are nine of hearts, 6 of hearts and five of diamonds. This can be a good flop for you – you’ve got the poker nuts! At this point you’ve got a directly – five, six, 7, eight, 9 – which can not be defeated by any other combination of cards.

Now you determine to "slow play" your palm and try to draw a wager from somebody with a high pair who will like this flop, so you basically check. Amy likes the look of her hands now as she has flopped 3 5 spades so she makes a bet which is known as by Mike as he now has a pair of 9s which has a King kicker. You prefer the way it’s going so you call the bet.

The turn card is Ace of hearts. Mike is now grinning to himself as he has just been able to generate the poker nuts having a flush, his two hearts in his palm plus the three on the table with Ace King superior now give him an unbeatable hand. Mike bets as he knows he has got the nuts but he wants to extract the maximum cash from the table so he maintains his bet low sufficient to acquire called. You still believe you are winning using the straight, in fact the Ace has strengthened that perception as you now think Mike possibly has an Ace in his palm and maybe even 2 pairs.

He’s dropped into your trap! Or so you think.

The river is dealt and it’s the five of hearts. It is a blow to you as you will discover now 4 hearts on view, so anyone which has a heart is beating you using a flush. Mike is happy together with the five as he still feels he’s winning together with the top flush, even though his competitors might also have created a flush and think they’re winning. Amy needless to say is the real winner as she has just made the nuts with four 5 spades, her four of a variety can only be outdone by a directly flush or a far better four of a kind. There are not enough connected hearts showing around the table to generate a directly flush and there is not a different pair displaying so it’s impossible to make four of the kind.

Amy wins the pot even though you and Mike reflect on what must have been.

Both of you held the poker nuts at one stage in the casino game except failed to realise that the poker nuts – as well as your fortunes – in Hold em can change totally with one turn of the card.